I missed making this list last month and definitely felt disheveled because of it. I’ve spent hardly any weekends in my apartment, or even in San Francisco. On one hand, I’ll rarely say no to a chance to explore, and I’ve had a lot of them these past several weeks. But on the other hand, I’ve felt disconnected from people I care about and from my routine. Does anyone else ever feel this way? What to do you do to combat it?
In an effort to feel less frantic, I’ve noted some things that have made these past couple of months fun and gratifying:
People who are patient with me when I’m anxious (which is often)
Deep dish pizza (especially on Sunday nights)
Being sore from dancing so hard (honestly better than any workout)
Dressing up (it’s wedding szn)
Overalls (are these back in style yet?)
Friday night yoga (an underrated way to start the weekend)
Rooftop bars (they’re slowly taking over SF and I ain’t mad)
These graham crackers (homemade is always better!)
Traveling the world with my best friend (our Lisbon trip will be on the blog soon!)
Deep discussions over American slang (made more fun when explaining this to my London crew)
Hot tubs (the first thing we did every evening after hiking in Zion and it saved us)
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